Friday, August 28, 2020

News for August 31-September 4


-What We are Learning this Week- 

Reading: Good Habits

-Good Habits Readers have

-Previewing texts and being able to tell what a story is mostly about

-At the end of of a book: reread, find favorite parts, retell, etc.

-How to do Read to Self and build stamina

Word Work:

-Sight words: the, of, in, to, and


Writing: Narrative Books

-Elements of a narrative or “Small Moment Story”

-Choosing a topic

-Planning a book

-Writing a beginning

Math: Addition

-Using counters to add

-using  pictures to solve addition word problems

-Adding +1 & +0 fluently

-Counting on

-Finding a strategy for adding

Social/Emotional: Community Building & Problem Solving

-School expectations in different areas

-Using your big voice to communicate

-Being respectful

-First graders can


Dear Families,

Wow! Can you believe weve already had our first FULL week of school! I just want you to know how amazing it has been to get to know your firsties and start off this awesome year with them! We have been settling into routines and getting to know each other. It has been great to watch all your kiddos jump right in show so much kindness to each other and passion for learning! Cant wait to see how much they will grow this year! Enjoy your first school year weekend! Please let me know if you need anything.   

-Mrs.  Phinney :o)